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There are a few details we need to know about your occurrence for consideration as a future investigation, so please include this information when contacting us:
1. Where was the occurrence? ( Location in the area )
2. When did it happen? ( Date, year, Etc. )
3. What time of day was it?
4. Was this your own personal experience? ( If no, explain who experienced it and how you heard about it. )
5. The number of times the experience has happened.
6. Detailed description of the occurrence. ( Be as specific as possible. )
7. Do you own or reside at the location where the occurrence took place?
8. Would you be willing to allow an investigation by T.C.P.I. at the location of the occurrence?
E-mail your experience to:
We take all reported occurrences into consideration for planning future investigations so submit your experience today!
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